

  • Competitor Analysis
  • User Interview
  • Empathy mapping
  • Prioritization
  • IA (Information 
  • Sketches
  • Wireframe
  • Style guide
  • Prototyping
  • Usability Test
  • Takeaways

Competitor Analysis

User interview

To test my hypothesis and determine whether there is a discrepancy between theory and reality, I conducted interviews with five individuals, each lasting approximately 40 minutes.

I complied the answers with google spreadsheet.
 Here is the link :

“ When I prepared for an exhibition, There were more things to figure out on my own than
I had anticipated, and I felt short on time.  The preparation process also seemed to incur
a significant cost.”

“ I wish there was a feature that connects  freelance work related to creative activities.”

“ It's challenging to find a job that perfectly fits the art field,
so I would be very grateful if there were a place 
that helps me explore and connect with job opportunities.”

“ It would be great if there was a feature to recruit 
exhibition crews.”


Empathy mapping

First, I set up two different personas, and then organized the series of steps that each of these personas would experience while using the product through empathy mapping.


Low-fidelity wireframe

I attempted to create wireframes that effectively illustrate the layout using some combinations found during the sketching process.

Style guide

I've decided on two types of fonts, a monochromatic color scheme, spacing, and more.

High fidelity design: Prototyping

Based on the wireframe created earlier and the IA process,
I designed additional screens, focusing on the developed wireframe. 

After that, I worked on prototyping to make it seems more realistic.


Usability test

To validate my project, I conducted usability tests and interviews with 5 participants. They were asked to complete  4main tasks, 11 small tasks, and responding to 7 open-ended questions using the prototype.

The task result was complied on googlesheet. The link is here :

“ I felt the plainning intention is good, and the structure is also quite solid.

“There are relatively unknown artists, and I want to work with such individuals. So if this site becomes commercialized, I have expectations that it could be a gateway to finding and collaborating with such people.

“ I like the layout, color, fonts of this design. The style of this site seems explain what this site is used for.


What I learned

Throughout the process of working on this project, I studied various layouts and their respective characteristics, gaining a deep understanding of how efficient layouts significantly impact usability.

Moreover, I've learned to always be mindful of the original intentions and initial goals when planning a service, as they may evolve or distort until the completion of the service

Future focus

For the next project, I will allocate my time more efficiently to thoroughly analyze user needs and dedicate more time to contemplate the best layout.

I want to be able to aim to look at the bigger picture of process, scrutinizing every component meticulously without considering anything as trivial. With this approach, I intend to continually improve and refine the project from its initiation to completion.